Jun 23, 2014
On this episode, I spoke with Max Silvestri. Max is a comedian, comedy writer, comedy performer, and comedy food television host. If you're sensing a theme it's because Max is a very funny, by my standards and by those of society in general. He's also very smart and thoughtful, and he shares with us a bunch of thoughts...
Jun 15, 2014
On this week's episode, my guest is Tom Krell, the artist slash musician known as @HowtoDressWell. At 10 AM in the conference room of a publicist's office, Tom and I managed to have a really interesting and hopefully entertaining conversation about music, life, and philosophy. He also explained to me how time is not...
Jun 2, 2014
I'm back with another great episode of No Effects. I was barely gone, actually, but I'm happy to be back. On this episode, I spoke to Hamilton Leithauser about his new album "Black Hours", working as a solo artist, fatherhood, fantasy basketball, the Walkmen, and much much more, in no particular order, as always....